The Big Picture

1, AIM
To try to present a picture of the heavenly, eternal, universal church that is God's chosen way of administering his kingdom in this world.
An example from work where Dave encourages and arranges for us to meet customers, see the project first hand in order for us to recognise that we aren't just designing just another seat but one that is specific for this aircraft. To see and be apart of the bigger picture.
Looking at 2 parts of the Bible where in my thinking the writers and in 1 case Jesus, expresses things that have huge significance and meaning as far as this Big Picture goes.
Hebrews 12 v22-24 i) Mount Zion - the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God, ii) thousand upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly iii)the church of the first born, whose names are written in heaven. iv) to God the judge of all men. v) to the spirits of righteous men made perfect vi) to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant vii) to the sprinkled blood.
Romans 8 v 19-21 When considering this verse I have thought of creation as I know it, the trees, flowers birds etc. but let us consider this creation through the lense of the Hubble telescope for a moment. Have you seen pictures from it of solar systems far away, of supernovas and the like and of stars dying, having given out all they could, just like our sun will one day.
That creation is subject to decay just like nature here. It is still waiting for us to be revealed. That death is still here points to the fact that we haven't been revealed yet, if anyone has any thoughts on how exactly we are hidden and what our revealing will be please tell me. But it is US, THE CHURCH OF GOD, who are instrumental in the release of this vast universe from its slavery to decay.
Matthew 16 v 18 Jesus said of his chuch that he said he will build '…....the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it'. Let us think for a moment, Jesus said that the Gates of Hell itself would not be able to stand against the How do you react to that? Does the very thought of the battle scare you? Do you think 'Come on, bring it on then'? Whatever, within the, our church we have the power to assail hell – Jesus said. But laying those aside for now, do you see that US, THE CHURCH OF GOD are a mighty cosmic, in the spiritual sense, body of power.
The Bible makes it clear that we are not designed to operate alone and in fact no one individual apart from Jesus can fullfill everything that God wants, through us to achieve. He has designed us to need one another, 'When you come together everyone hath a ….......' '…....we have the mind of Christ'. I don't but we do and all of this is a reflection of God himself as a society, Father Son and Holy Spirit. All needing one another all relying on one another. I don't know about anyone else but I have a desire to be self sufficient, that does not come from God, we were made in his likeness and he needs Father Son and Holy Spirit to operate the way he does. So it must be part of my old nature but now, I need you! Together as us, we are the THE CHURCH OF GOD and are God's plan 'A'. And he hasn't got a plan 'B'.
Considering all of this, what can we do? We are the expression of the almighty, all loving, all powerful, all Holy God here.Do you remember that evening last November when Tim, Keith and Brian showed us their 5 year plan? It struck me some time later that there was nothing new in that plan. That had 2 reactions in me. The first was a bit of disappointment I must admit as I always like something fresh and new to get stuck in to or at least consider, but the second was the realisation that if God hadn't given them anything new for us to do then it meant that what we had been doing was what God intended for us to do. So my desire is to be more effective in what we do? Considering what we have read this morning, surely the Church of the First Born must be more effective in being Jesus here than we see now? I have no magic answer but what I feel happening inside as I consider the heritage God has given us, is a growth of enthusiasm and it is that, that I am hoping that I have conveyed.
So, whatever you do, do it with enthusiasm because what you do matters. In your small group, support your leaders and ask if you can lead one week. On a Sunday morning, take time to get yourself ready, come with a 'hath' to give. If you give through tithes or offerings, give them cheerfully and to do that you probably need to spend time with God talking it through. When you pray, do it with a God given faith and together let's aspire to be as effective as God intended.
Look at these amazing words by Mark Altrogge and consider how you can serve the purpose of God in your generation
want to serve the purpose of God
In my generation
I want to serve the purpose of God
While I am alive
I want to give my life
For something that will last forever
Oh, l delight, I delight to do Your will
I want to build with silver and gold
In my generation
I want to build with silver and gold
While I am alive
I want to give my life
For something that will last forever
Oh, l delight, I delight to do Your will
What is on Your heart?
Tell me what to do
Let me know Your will
And I will follow You
I want to see the kingdom of God
In my generation
I want to see the kingdom of God
While I am alive
I want to live my life
For something that will last forever
Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will
I want to see the Lord come again
In my generation
I want to see the Lord come again
While I am alive
I want to give my life
For something that will last forever
Oh l delight, I delight to do Your will
© 1982 People of Destiny International/Word Music
Peter Douglas, 15/03/2011