Recent Testimony from LWCC
Testimonies of Love and Faith
1. Divine Intervention: A Testament of Faith and Healing
"Back in January of this year, our family's life turned upside down in the early hours of Sunday, January 12th. My fifteen-year-old cousin, Shane, had been stabbed in the heart. God was with him throughout, as he lay there fighting for his life in the entrance to some flats. He gave the strength of voice to his friends who screamed out, alerting a man who lived in the nearby dwellings. This man called the paramedics on his way down. The paramedics arrived and, after reviewing the situation, it was clear that Shane was in a bad way and needed blood and specialist care. God, in His grace, provided that care with an ambulance doctor who happened to be on his way back from another call. Shane was taken to the side of the road and worked on, giving him the time that was needed until he arrived at the hospital.
I received a call from my mum around 10 am, just as I was getting ready for church. She told me that my little cousin was in a critical state and was undergoing open heart surgery. I was stunned, and after talking to my husband, I left for the Sunday service along with my three children. I prayed all the way in the car, 'God, please let him be okay, let him feel Your presence.' Walking into the hall, I was greeted by my church family and promptly burst into tears. They were amazing, and in one voice, they prayed for Shane's safety. Their prayers and love continued, and through the darkness, God's light shone. Within the week, Shane had made progress and was soon to be out of the ICU.
Then the bombshell came: his bowel had become obstructed, and he had a ten percent chance of survival but an almost definite need for a colostomy bag. Once again, we prayed, and once again, God heard our voices and brought Shane safely out of surgery without the need for a colostomy bag. Within the week, Shane was home with his family. He knows that he was saved by the power of prayer and God's love alone."
2. A Heavenly Journey: Finding Faith and Comfort Amidst Cancer
"At age 69, my lovely Mum was unexpectedly diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 lung cancer. Up until this time, Mum had been fit and healthy, leading an active life. Treatment was not an option, and Mum was discharged from the hospital to the care of Dad, my sister, and me. At night, we had cover from hospice at home nurses.
Lots of people were praying for Mum and sending words of encouragement. For me, Mum’s cancer diagnosis was a double whammy as I was going through a divorce at the same time.
Mum was not afraid of dying. For her, it was merely a change of address, a going home.
Mum passed away within 5 months of diagnosis. Her funeral was amazing with multicoloured balloons everywhere and no black in sight. People commented it was the best funeral they had attended. During the service, we sang a song which had a line ‘all our sins are washed away and we can live forever, now we have this hope because of you’. Mum was confident she was going to her heavenly home to meet her wonderful Saviour.
Sometimes we don’t understand why bad things happen to good people. There are always going to be unanswered questions; otherwise, there would be no need to trust God. Mum was not healed while she was on this earth, but I believe God can and does heal today. The moment Mum passed from this life, she was instantly healed, and one day we will have a great family reunion."
3. Finding Faith in Adversity
"No person has everything happen in life the way they want it to, in the way they expect. When things don’t succeed according to our plan, we feel disappointed. In my early forties, I found myself going through divorce. I was overwhelmed with sadness and felt a huge loss. My family and friends were praying for me, and I know without this support, I would not have been in a good place. There is a verse in the Bible which says, ‘God himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down, relax my hold on you. Assuredly not!' Faith in God is the conviction that God knows more than me, and he’ll get me through."
4. Miraculous Healing: Overcoming Thyroid Cancer Through Faith
Experience the power of faith and divine intervention in overcoming thyroid cancer! Click on the image below to watch the full video testimony of miraculous healing and find hope and encouragement in trusting God through life's challenges.

#FaithHealing #MiracleTestimony #HopeAndEncouragement
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